stopped mid-run and now won't recognize tinyg

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    On a mac/chrome/chilipeppr, the cnc router tinyg froze mid-job and now won’t work. The JSON server recognizes the tinyg, but it in the serial port console, the check marks stop being green and are yellow on the line {sr”:n{“line”:t,”posx”:t,”posy”:t,”posz”:t,”v…. Otherwise it is unresponsive. $$ doesn’t return anything.

    When I try to update the FW using the synthetos app, I get the “verify failed” message, “programer is not responding.”

    This is just the 3rd day the tinyg has been installed on my cnc. It has run other jobs before to completion, but I am still learning the chilipeppr interface so I couldn’t say it has ever worked perfectly. It was above 90F temp in my shop when this happened, but I do have a fan on the tiny.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by joren. Reason: edit for clarification

    Are you running SPJS under MAC as well as the Chrome browser?
    What version of SPJS?

    I assume you mean you tried the tinyGupdater app from here:

    You might give the tinyG flashing application that is part of SPJS 1.88 or later.

    The ftdi front end to tingG is a stand alone chip, so it is not unusual for the tinyG port interface to appear ‘OK’ from the server side, yet not have proper message flow to/from tinyG firmware.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    Hmm, I still can’t get it to work.

    I am running SPJS under mac. I just compiled v1.92. I tried to up update the firmware inside of chilipeppr’s Server window. After choosing my board and the firmware version I want, I click program and get:
    “Making sure /dev/cu.usbserial-DN010XKG port is closed so we have access to it for programming…
    Could not find board: arduino:avr:tinyg


    And in the serial port console, I get (with the last 3 lines yellow checkmarks):
    ” ?

    Again, it sees the USBserial port, so I know something is connected….

    Any help is appreciated. Thnx, Joren


    First a question: you running tinyG or G2 on a DUE?

    The stream of json you list above is a startup script and the behavior you describe is typical of G2 with the standard Chilipeppr interface.
    You clear the ‘hang’, the yellow check marks, by clicking the ~ icon in the tinyG widget.

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