Spectralight Machine/Sherline Upgrade

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Projects Spectralight Machine/Sherline Upgrade

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    Well, since I’m not throwing chips quite yet, I figured I’d post a little bit about the upgrades here. The long and short of it is pretty simple, I’m revamping an old CNC Spectralight machine with the TinyG. The idea being rather simple: Update the CNC control electronics while making allowances for manual override, spindle control, and safety. So here’s some pictures:

    Original motion control board from the spectralight case
    The original motion control board from the Spectralight case

    Built an adaptor to mount a CPU fan to the underside of the TinyG and in turn mount the fan to the case
    Built an adapter to mount a CPU fan to the underside of the TinyG using 1/4″ plexiglass (conveniently provided by the protective plexiglass on the spectralight case)

    TinyG and spindle motor driver board mounted into old case
    TinyG and spindle motor driver board mounted into old case

    Power supply mounted and USB cable run
    Power supply mounted and USB cable run

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Vex.
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