SpDir flashing

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    I am new to TinyG and ChilliPeppr and I want to thank the community for helping me work through some startup “issues”. Currently the issue is: Shortly after starting a ChilliPeppr sample “Circle Diamond Square Calibration” (about 20% complete the milling stops and the SpDir led begins to flash and the console window shows the following gcode with yellow check marks:

    –truncated–out”> N697 G1 Y-21
    N698 G1 X22.5 Y-22.5
    N699 G1 X15.8
    N700 G3 X22.5 Y-15.8 I-15.8 J22.5
    N701 G1 Y-22.5
    N702 G1 X24 Y-24
    N703 G1 X10
    N704 G3 X24 Y-10 I-10 J24

    I have to reset the Tinyg and stop an restart the JSON server start over to recover but it repeats every time I run. Note I am currently manually controlling the spindle speed.

    [fb] firmware build 440.20
    [fv] firmware version 0.97
    [hp] hardware platform 1.00
    [hv] hardware version 8.00

    Can anyone help me understand 1) what is happening and how to fix it. 2)The best way to recover from what appears to be a communications problem and/or a TinyG fault. Maybe there is a better way to resume from this fault.

    Thanks in advance, Steve


    First guess would be a limit switch has been activated.
    That could be because a limit switch has been activated or by induced noise.

    Are you still running with soft limits turned off? That is based on the parameter set you posted on prior thread.

    Since you are running NC switches, your wiring connections to switches could be intermittent too, I suppose

    There is not a lot Gcode can do to cause this, except for running out of runway

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