Simple shop interface for Tinyg – no fiddly bits.

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  • #12151

    I have been doing a lot of searching on this topic but for some reason I cant get to what I want. Maybe Synthetos is not the place either but maybe a good start I hope.

    The most basic thing I want to do is:
    1: Have a simple interface for my machine that consists of just 2 buttons: 1: to load a GCode File and 2: to send the buffered Gcode to TinyG (maybe through SPJS)
    2: I would like to support a simple Joystick to move the gantry around
    3: I would like to have physical Buttons for : emergency stop, Home Machine, Pause cut, resume cut etc, etc
    4: I want to use the Respberry py with a simple 7inch screen with a few (<5) big finger buttons and the physical buttons on a control panel connect to the RPi.

    I know that Chilipepr and CNCJS do this but to be frank they are way too complex. I will have done all my cam and speeds and feeds and layout on my PC in the comfort of my Office. When all is done I just want to bring a GCode file on a USB stick, insert into the RaspberryPi, select file and hit run and the machine starts. I dont want any of the other stuff. While it is pretty, it just clutters up the interface and you need a big screen to be able to see or control the fiddly little buttons on screen. I find the buttons on chilipepr very cumbersom in the rough and tumble of the Workshop.

    So My question: Is there anyone out there doing this? Surely there is some MVP code to do these basic things. Take a GCode File and Stream it to the TinyG with appropriate buffering to keep the Tinyg controller fed. I would even settle for a description of the JSON format for SPJS for tinyg. I suspect I am just looking in the wrong place. If someone helps me get started, I would be happy to code this up myself and provide to the community. But as everyone knows JS is a dog to use. I would rather connect a websocket using Python and off you go with JSON Data and control commands.

    Someone put me out of my misery;-)

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by melticus.

    You will not find exactly what you are looking for here at Synthetos.
    Very early work on a version of what you might be looking for, the tgFX GUI, was put on the shelf when other projects like Chilipeppr and CNCJS got started.
    If you scour the tinyG issues pages at you will see others like yourself working similar issues in both open and proprietary space.
    Much of the intense work on Chilipeppr and CNCJS dropped off several years ago but the code is available for viewing, cloning and extending.
    From your description of the task, it would appear to me that you are familiar with all the resources on Github and the Synthetos Web.

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