Settings are lost after reboot TinyG2

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    Hi all, I am running TinyG2 firmware 037.03 on the Arduino Due, with a gShield, driving a Shapeoko 2 with Chilipeppr, and my initial reactions are very positive. Thanks to all developers involved!

    One question, are the settings supposed to be retained after a reboot? I am setting x and y velocity and feedrate, which works well, until I unplug the Due’s USB cable and plug it back in, then they have been reset to defaults. Is there some way of setting them permanently?

    Thanks for any advice!


    At the moment G2 firmware does not support ‘persistence’ for parameters.
    The Due platform has no native EEPROM. Same issue with tinyGv9 prototype hardware.
    The addition of persistence is being worked via an interface to an SD card, v9 has a socket in place, there are several ways to attach SD to a Due.

    For now, I would suggest you follow the G2 wiki and download the G2 build environment. It was very straightforward on Linux, I have played with release 71.02, but have not run physical machine with it, just ran the GCode thru Chilipeppr.

    Last I tried, the Master branch would build 71.02, which is what I have been testing with.

    One you get build environment up, I then suggest creating a modified Settings.h for your machine and compile a 71.02 with those settings.

    Also keep an eye out on Chilipeppr, I am working on a Backup/Restore widget, motivated by G2, that will help a lot. It should be available within a couple weeks, still chasing some bugs.


    By the way, when running Chilipeppr with G2 build 71.02, you should use the URL

    You can also select this from the TinyG widget drop down menu in CP, which will reload CP at that URL.

    When CP connects to tinyG, it sends a string of commands and queries to bring tinyG to a known state. Some elements of the tinyG startup cause issues with G2 build 71.02. Those problematic commands are bypassed when URL?v9=true starts up. CP seems to work, although the root cause of this startup issue is still being investigated.

    Also, I would recommend you keep an eye on traffic at

    github/Issues is sort of the bug tracking mechanism, but lots of other tid bits pop up.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by cmcgrath5035.


    Im new in the forum but come here from a long time, im particulary interested in this subject because i have the same problem, can i use an sdshield with an microsd card to store the settings?


    cmcta82 – Probably, once the tinyG fw accommodates this. Still being worked at Synthetos


    cmcta82 – Probably, once the tinyG fw accommodates this. Still being worked at Synthetos


    Thanks for the information and followup cmcgrath5035, much appreciated!


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