Sending code to TInyG

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    We’re developing a GUI to send code to Tinyg for a new product we’re working on. So far, so good and the JSON interface is great.

    As I start working on the part that sends bulk gcode down I want to make sure that I address buffers and flow control properly.

    For the basic UART buffer I see that xon/xoff is used. No problem there.

    For the motion planner, is there anything to be aware of in terms of not sending too many machine commands down before they can execute? I don’t see a command or report that tells me the number of spaces left in the command queue. Is this available somewhere or do I need to manage it in the app using line number reporting?

    Also, various posts mention the need for a line delay in coolterm. Is this needed in the current builds?

    Any other queue/buffer management issues to be aware of?


    PS- I did look at the TG code for a hour or two but fully understanding the interaction between everything in there will take much longer than that.


    Great news. Let us know how we can support you in this.

    As for synchronization, this is a topic that a lot of people have struggled with, not just with TinyG, but with other systems as well. Things are not too hard if you are moving slowly, but as the move speeds and data rates increase it gets more challenging.

    The short answer to your question is – Use the queue reports. We are enhancing them, and I welcome you to join the TinyG dev group and join the discussion. Please see the following topic, and in particular the post I did on 7/9.!topic/devtinyg/uB3BOSdtEuc

    We will be working rather quickly, so please stay tuned. When we get things where we want them we’ll document everything on the wiki.


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