SD card + touch panel integration

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    I want to integrate SD card (SPI intreface) with 7″ touch panel (SPI+I2C).
    Or another way is USB access to USB flashdisk (HOST,I don’t need USB serial DEVICE).
    Now I’m waiting for SPI display from China…
    How can I detect full input buffer for GCODE (JSON) commands?
    I’m using Arduino DUE with XYZ axis+one rotary axe.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by bronek999.

    I’ll assume you are building upon tinyG2.
    Your resources for info are the G2 wiki and the tinyG wiki

    The buffer status is discussed here:

    An open source implementation similar to what you are doing is Chilipeppr.
    CP runs with tinyG2 as well as tinyG.

    Interesting project – Good luck!


    I have full access to TinyG2 board, so I don’t need access it by USB CDC.
    mp_get_planner_buffers_available() is right way (I think).

    Now I need move all texts,warnings,messages from USB CDC to classic UART?
    How can I remap stderr FROM USB to UART->TX1 on TinyG2?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by bronek999.

    Bronek — is the source for your modifications to G2 available? I’m looking at doing the same thing. I’ve seen your YouTube video — looks great! :o)


    Questions such as:

    Now I need move all texts,warnings,messages from USB CDC to classic UART?
    How can I remap stderr FROM USB to UART->TX1 on TinyG2?

    are better asked and tracked here:

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