rotary axis scaling not making sense

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  • #10617

    I have a rotary stage with a manual knob that I was able to determine the gear ratio ie one stepper revolution is 2 degrees of stage rotation. I’ve verified the stepper is 1.8 per step.
    But the moves are WAY off. When I send the command G1 F100 A1 it moves more than 360 degrees instead of one degree. I’ve determined that G1 A.007 gives me about one stepper revolution.
    What am I doing wrong?
    samples of my setup below.

    ;STEP ANGLE (physical step size built into a stepper motor)
    $1sa=1.8 ;degrees

    ;TRAVEL PER REVOLUTION (accounts for gearing or drive shaft pitch)
    $1tr=4 ; stage moves 4mm per revolution of stepper motor
    $3tr=2 ; degrees per revolution Newport rotary stage model #URM80APP

    ;MICROSTEPS (resolution of in-between steps, controlled by the electronics)
    $1mi=8 ; option is between 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16


    Not that it should really matter for this discussion, are we discussing a tinyG or G2core machine here? I ask because tinyG does not support $_mi=16, but you are not using $_mi=16 either.
    Also, I will assume you are using the onboard tinyG drivers, or a Gshield/DUE hardware setup. If Gshield, the microstepping pins are all open, thus $_mi=8

    Also assuming from what you show that $3ma=3, mapping motor 3 to A axis

    Can you verify assumptions so far, or describe what is different?

    Can you provide all the motor 3 and all the A axis parameters?
    That would be results of $3 command and $a command
    Or, Dump all parameters $$ , copy them to a Cloud drive and provide a URL for viewing.


    Your assumptions are correct.
    Here is the dump file.
    Thanks for your help!
    capture file


    OOps, the link you posted points to this thread, not your Parameters dump


    wrong link? let’s try again here


    To be honest, first person I have seen using rotary axis limits.
    This Link—travel-minimum-travel-maximum says setting min and max to same value means “no limits, which may explain behavior in your other post

    You have both motor 3 and motor 4 mapped to A axis and enabled.
    Is this really true?. I’m not sure it would make a difference if M4 were not connected to anything.

    You have Motor 3 mapped to A axis and A axis in radius mode, Radius = 0.1989 deg, which is interpreted as move 1/.1989 degrees when G1 A1 is sent. Re-read how $3tr =2 is interpreted for a rotary axis.—travel-per-revolution
    I am not 100% clear if your movement described is rotary stepper or rotary output after gear reduction

    When I read

    When I send the command G1 F100 A1 it moves more than 360 degrees instead of one degree.

    I sort of think you should be in $aam=1, so that G1 A1 means 1 degree of movement requested.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    thanks cmcgrath5035, you have pointed out some critical points.
    I thought I had the axis modes configured but I can’t find them in my config file!
    The rotary stage should be in mode 2 and act simply like the linear stages.
    Also, the report may show everything but it doesn’t show what I have failed to address. I will have to be more explicit about that fourth motor I’m not using, for example.
    thanks again!


    A axis parameters are displayed, in cli mode, with $a command.

    I don’t understand your comment

    “The rotary stage should be in mode 2 and act simply like the linear stages.”

    Axis modes are defined here:—axis-mode

    Gcode movements for rotational axes are in degrees, G1 A3 is a 3 degree movement in standard mode. $aam=1. Use $3tr (in your case, if A axis stepper is connected to motor 3) to implement gearing ratio from stepper to output shaft.
    The Gcode specifies movement of the output shaft.

    If you prefer to create a custom Gcode stream that specifies linear movement, e.g. G1 A5 to move the A axis 5mm , then you can set $aam=3 (radius mode) and parameter $ara is set based on this definition—radius-value

    I don’t know of any ‘standard’ tool chain that would generate that Gcode for you


    crapola, where is my brain?
    I meant mode 1. It’s all working now! Sorry about the confusion.

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