Reading Due Configuration

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    Hi Everybody,

    I have been trying to do the following unsuccessfully, and I was hoping someone here could help me. Is there a way to read “what is on the due” after it has been configured? I have run into many issues, and I suspect that the configuration is getting messed up after some time. Every time after I do a fresh config, everything works fine – until the next issue. I was hoping there is a way to create a watchdog that could check if the configuration is right every let’s say 20 minutes.
    Is it possible? I have been trying to do it for a couple of days now, and nothing…



    This is a G2core issue, and would probably be better placed in
    but I’ll leave it here for now.

    Are you familiar with the G2core Wiki, specifically these references?

    If you dig thru all of this, you will find methods to dump current parameters and load them individually or in bulk.
    By default, all this will be JSON centric.

    I know of no GUI method (such as Chilipeppr or cnc.js) to implement this, but may be out of date.
    You are likely aware that some parameters, for example Coordinate space settings, might be modified by Gcode.
    Deciding what parameters to check and reset might be a challenge


    Thank you so much! Yeah, I have seen it but was hoping there would be a better way to monitor config changes. I really don’t know what causes those issues, and we have tried many different solutions. The only one that works is reconfig + homing, which isn’t a great solution – because I don’t know when it needs to happen. I will dig again and see if I can find a better solution. Thanks again for your help!


    I figured something out and I figured it would be helpful for people to find the solution here in the future.

    Essentially I’m the sending a msg.payload = ‘{“MT”:n}\n’ (in Node-RED) to the serial port, and it returns its current value. If the value of MT is not the value I set in the config, I assume that the configuration is off. Thus, reconfigure the Due.

    I hope this will help people in the future who run into the same issue.


    You are on the right path.
    G2core remains under heavy development and has not attracted third party GUI support yet from Chilipeppr, CNC.js etc, especially in the config management domain.
    Product developers utilizing G2core are addressing the same challenges you are to meet their specific needs

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