PWM Not Working

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    I was setting up my new 400 watt spindle when the spindle randomly turned on and a spark then flew. Immediately I shut off the machine. It didn’t smell like anything was burnt so assumed everything was fine. Then I checked to see if anything had been broken. All the motors seemed to be working but the pwm speed control didn’t. I the spindle working before the incident but it wouldn’t work after the incident I have already replaced the spindle and the controller but that hasn’t helped. When I issue the m3 command the led on the board turns on but when I measure the voltage of the pwm screw terminal there is no volts. I have tried reset all the parameter and settings on the board and it still hasn’t helped. Has anyone else had this issue? Do you have any suggestions on how to fix it?


    There are two Spindle control outputs
    Spin – an ON/OFF signal(3V logic) suitable for driving an SSR or similar to control a single speed spindle
    SpinPWM – a PWM output (3V logic) suitable for interfacing a PWM controller

    Both pins have on-board LEDs from output to ground, so if the LED is illuminated, there is voltage on the pin.

    SpinPWM is just pulses – you can’t really measure with a VOM (multimeter).

    Read over this item

    When you come back, describe what sort of controller you have – PWM or ON/OFF.
    Research a bit the interface requirements of the controller you have – does it require 5v logic? If so, so will have to level shift the PWM signal or the Spin on/off signal.

    And provide a dump of your PWM parameters, by entering a $p1 command

    None of this directly addresses your ‘spark’ directly, which usually means something fried.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by cmcgrath5035.
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