I’ve used your grbl patched version with a TB66560 driver (not grblshield… Sorry). Since my tb6560 fully works with positive logic, I’ve done proper signal inversion on enable in stepper.c (st_wake_up(), st_disable_steppers()) and reset DEFAULT_STEPPING_INVERT_MASK.
Works but… It seems when using the enable pin, motors loose steps. When running many times G0x100 G0X00, motors DOES NOT returns to initial position. Motors are not driven too fast, and acceleration is properly setup.
It does not seems to be proportional to move menght (ex : G0x1000 G0X00), but more on number of moves.
I’ve investigated a bit and found if i’m hardware wiring my TB6560 enable signal to 5v instead of the pin8 or arduino, there’s no more step loose.
I suspect a timing problem with enable signal. I don’t know for the moment if the signal is asserted too late or unasserted to quickly.
Any idea?