Power Management and Shapeoko

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  • #3876

    After getting a lot of 45 degree angled cuts when trying to cut one direction at a time using my Shapeoko I figured out it would be best if I changed the Power Management settings on my belt driven axises to “0.” ( i.e. $1pm=0).

    Although this seems to have helped some, one of the problems I’ve noticed is that if I reset the board and immediately try to cut a straight line along the X-axis the Y-Axis is unpowered until it is moved.  Once I envoke the Y-axis it goes back to being locked on idle.  This could pose a problem if your g-code starts cutting on one axis before moving the other.  I’m running tinyg 0.94. Would this be considered a bug?


    It appears the following from TinyG Configuration wiki is incorrect/reversed:

    $1pm — Power management mode — 0=power shuts off when axis is not moving, 1=axis remains powered when idle

    It seems to conflict with the expanded info later down the page:
    Set to one of the following:
    •0 = Leave motor powered on when stopped
    •1 = Turn motor power off when stopped

    My question is:
    How long after ‘not moving’ does it power down?



    You are right – the cheat sheet definition was wrong. It’s been corrected.

    Power remains on indefinitely. There is a feature request in to make it turn off after some period if idle time, but no ETA on this yet. I plan to do this by registering a call-back in the main loop that uses the tick counter to count a number of 10ms periods from the RTC. I welcome someone hacking the code to beat me to it.


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