Possible bad position updates

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  • #6288

    Hi, While messing with different offsets I’ve noticed something strange

    I’m moving the machine around, changing to G55 then forcing a move in machine absolute, in G53, but the position that is reported is reported as absolute rather than G55 for the duration of the move, without reporting as change in “coor”.

    Also, after the move is complete a message “prep_null encountered” is reported.

    The script to reproduce is

    {“r”:{“fv”:0.970,”fb”:435.07,”hp”:1,”hv”:8,”id”:”2U2971-YKY”,”msg”:”SYSTEM READY”},”f”:[1,0,0,5141]}
    prep_null encountered



    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by perfectphase.

    Hi, just thought I’d post a slightly simpler example, this is on 435.10


    I reset the board to defaults and reset. Lines 6 & 9 set an offset. Perform a simple move in line 12 and get a status update in 15.
    If you then switch to g55 (line 16), you do not get a status report with the updated coor or position, and again nothing when you switch back. If you issue status requests after each set the reported values are correct.
    Interesting thing is if you then repeat the above g55, g54 switch (line 29) you do get status reports published.

    Sorry If this all sounds rather OCD, I know I’m on an EDGE build and you have bigger fish to fry, but I’ve been writing my own UI for TinyG (for fun) and have noticed this when my UI does not update after switching offsets, easily fixed by always sending a sr after each update, but thought I’d mention it.

    The ‘prep_null encountered’ issue seems to be related to setting an offset with G10 rather than $g55x, then preforming a move directly afterwards.



    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by perfectphase.

    Not OCD. Looks like you are using stock shapeoko settings. Ill try to reprocess this when I get back to the shop.

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