I recently purchased a grblShield V5b for a personal hobby CNC project. I connected this to a new 12VDC power supply and to my Arduino R3. When I attempted to open the serial monitor I received an error, so I unhooked the USB going in to my arduino. When I did this the USB cable (from the arduino to the computer) was hot to the touch!
After some research and some voltage measurements I may have found my problem. My power supply takes AC input and outputs 12VDC via V+ and V- terminals. When I measure voltage between these terminals (red multimeter lead on V+, black multimeter lead on V-) I get a +12VDC differential as expected. It gets strange when I reference either of these to the power supply ground, when the V- terminal is reference to ground I get -12VDC (red multimeter lead on V-, black multimeter lead on GND). Referencing V+ to ground results in a 0VDC differential. It looks like I have -12VDC from my V- and 0VDC from my V+ terminal.
I’m afraid having -12VDC on the arduino USB_gnd terminal somehow resulted in too much current through my arduino (raising the temperature of my USB cable). I am no longer able to communicate with my arduino.
Has anyone witnessed this before? Any chance that I also ruined the grblShield?
Any help is appreciated.