plotting speed

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    I am using tinyG for a fabric plotter. i’m using it at the velocity of $XVM 50000 mm. Need to make the CNC move as fast as in the below video link. Can someone help me do it?


    What software do you use to generate Goode files?


    Need to make the CNC move as fast as in the below video link. Can someone help me do it?

    I don’t understand the question.

    What’s stopping you moving as fast as that machine?

    What have you tried and what hasn’t worked?

    I want to run like Hussein Bolt. Can someone help me do it?

    If you don’t describe your problem, what you’ve done so far, and why yo’ve been unsuccessful, how do you expect someone that knows nothing about your machine to tell you what to do?

    $XVM=5000 tells the machine what the maximum velocity should be when executing G0 moves. Why isn’t your machine traversing at that rate? What is happening? Are the TinyG stepper drivers big enough to drive the machine at that rate?

    You’re asking a tiny little solid state stepper driver to drive what looks like at least 10kg of hardware at 5 metres a second. 18 km/h. Faster than I can walk and almost the maximum I can run.

    I’ve got some pretty hefty machines and nothing I have runs at that rate.

    I have a machine with hybrid NEMA32 stepper/servos running at 50V that can just reach that rate, using an advanced DSP controller that is about 20-50x faster than a TinyG

    I’m not sure you have defined your needs properly if the TinyG was the answer to your requirement to go 5M/sec.

    You certainly haven’t described your issue enough.


    Zootalaws has described what it takes to make a heavy machine perform, perhaps you have something more modest.

    Does your current setup print accurately, just too slowly?

    $xvm, $yvm are maximum velocities. Does your Gcode explicitly issue slower speeds?
    e.g. G0 x__ y__ F1000
    Once sent to the machine, that F speed will remain in effect until changed by a subsequent command, e.g. G0 x__ y__ F3000

    What CAM software do you use? Chilipeppr has a speed override capability, other interfaces may as well. Or go back to the source.

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