Hi, just purchased the gShield.
Successfully flashed grbl to Arduino Uno.
Installed UGS.
Connecting via UGS results in Grbl 0.9j in the Console (so I believe this verifies successful firmware upload and communication with the firmware).
I have connected a 24VDC power supply (verified voltages).
I turned all the pots counterclockwise to 0.
I have connected a stepper motor to X-axis … motor is a Keling Technology KL23H284-35-4B.
A+ is black, A- is green. Connected to pins 1 and 2, respectively
B+ is red, B- is blue. Connected to pins 3 and 4, respectively.
I also verified each pair with an ohm meter…
The gShield powers up with a blue LED with just 24VDC.
I can successfully send commands to the Arduino via UGS and see the DRO incrementing as expected…
HOWEVER, the motor does not move. There is also no torque applied (I can move it with my fingers… albeit with great force since it is attached to the X-axis on my X2 mini mill).
I attempted to move the motor to the Y-axis to see if there was a problem with the X-axis driver… no change.
What else shall I try?