NEMA23 425oz/in 2.8A Stepper Motor ¼

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    Hi everyone, i’m planing to implement a group of “NEMA23 425oz/in 2.8A Stepper Motor ¼” Dual shaft (KL23H286-20-8B) ” with my tinyG and I wanna know if there will be a problem with the current limit before buy the motors.
    The motor specifications are:
    425 oz In. Hybrid Motor
    1.8° /200 Steps Per Rev.
    2.8 Amps Current Per Phase ( Bipolar Parallel)
    8-wire Bi-polar or unipolar, NEMA 23 Frame

    – Estuardo


    I bought some of these to power my Probotix v90 using tinyG. Love them. Current is not a problem. My only caution is that these motors are so torquey that they run a bit rough at very low speeds due to the powerful detent. You can hear this at the low end of acceleration and deceleration.


    I should add that once these motors broke in a bit the rumble at the low end was not nearly as noticeable. It was also never a problem. I really like these motors and they work great with TinyG.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by alden.

    Thanks, Do you used a Stepper Driver Heat Sink Kit for your application?


    No, I use the 12v take-off on the board for fan cooling. Much better than heatsinks.


    I know this is a year old, but can you just confirm that you’re hooking these motors up as bipolar-parallel?

    I have been using the KL23H276-30-8B, for 282 oz-in at 2.1A in bipolar-series wiring.

    If you’re able to use the KL23H286-20-8B’s in bipolar-parallel, that seems like a bit more bang for the buck, but also pushing the current limits of the drivers. Am I missing something?


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