motor 3 (Z) stalling on shapeoko when sending program file via coolterm

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Support motor 3 (Z) stalling on shapeoko when sending program file via coolterm

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  • #5660

    Ok this is weird indeed. My first thought would be to restore all config values to default. Lets see your config and see if I can replicate it.



    Could you give me the config in json?


    Enter that and give me all the results. Mind the quotes.. It looks like wordpress likes to “make them pretty” and change the ascii values at times?


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by Riley.

    Ok, I will get this to you as soon as I can next week.



    Here is the config. Good call on the unusual quotes.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by dj0nes.

    The “1” config got dropped from the response in Coolterm for some reason.

    Here is a video that demonstrates the issue.

    I ran the following code in the video using tgFX:

    G00 Z 0.0000
    G00 Z 3.0000
    G00 Z 0.0000
    G00 Z 3.0000
    G00 Z 0.0000
    G00 Z 3.0000
    G00 Z 0.0000
    G04 P1 (wait for a second)
    G00 Z 3.0000
    G00 X 121.5942 Y 92.8307
    G01 Z -0.1250 F 100.0000(Penetrate)
    G02 X 121.4341 Y 92.2331 Z -0.1250 I -1.1952 J -0.0000 F 400.0000
    G02 X 120.9966 Y 91.7956 Z -0.1250 I -1.0351 J 0.5976
    G02 X 121.5942 Y 92.8307 Z -0.1250 I -1.0351 J -0.5976
    G01 X 121.5942 Y 92.8307 Z -0.1250
    G00 Z 3.0000
    G01 Z -0.1250 F 100.0000(Penetrate)
    G02 X 121.4341 Y 92.2331 Z -0.1250 I -1.1952 J -0.0000 F 400.0000
    G02 X 120.9966 Y 91.7956 Z -0.1250 I -1.0351 J 0.5976
    G02 X 121.5942 Y 92.8307 Z -0.1250 I -1.0351 J -0.5976
    G01 X 121.5942 Y 92.8307 Z -0.1250
    G00 Z 3.0000
    G01 Z -0.1250 F 100.0000(Penetrate)
    G02 X 121.4341 Y 92.2331 Z -0.1250 I -1.1952 J -0.0000 F 400.0000
    G02 X 120.9966 Y 91.7956 Z -0.1250 I -1.0351 J 0.5976
    G02 X 121.5942 Y 92.8307 Z -0.1250 I -1.0351 J -0.5976
    G01 X 121.5942 Y 92.8307 Z -0.1250
    G00 Z 3.0000
    G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000 Z0.0000
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by dj0nes.


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