Looking for bootloader commands to update FW

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Support Looking for bootloader commands to update FW

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    We are building a system that has an Arduino Mega2560 driving a TinyG via serial port 1. The Arduino is also talking to a PC over USB on serial port 0. What I am looking for is how to update the TinyG’s firmware with a file downloaded from PC to the Arduino and then the TinyG. I know I can put the TinyG into bootloader mode with “$boot=1” but I do not know how to get it to update its firmware. I assume that there are commands of some sort that the bootloader uses but I cannot find them. Can someone point me to where this information might reside?


    If you issue the command ‘upgrade tinyg firmware’ into google using your web browser, it should return a result pointing to a webpage “TinyG Updating Firmware” – go and have a look at that, it’s quite useful, as is “TinyG Boot Loader”

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Zootalaws.

    I would suggest you take a close look at how Chilipeppr implements the FW download function.

    It actually runs in the SPJS environment.
    The FW download process firsts sts tinyG into bootloader mode using $boot=1, then disconnects the USB port and calls a configured version of avrdude.
    Chilipepper has avrdude binaries for Winx, Linux and Mac.

    Your challenge might be finding an avrdude compiled to run on your Mega2560

    tinyG-Updater, found here

    does essentially the sam

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