limit switches for gShield

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    I received and installed my gShield yesterday on my small 3-axis milling machine. It works fine, but I was disappointed to find that there is apparently no provision made for limit switches to automatically stop the machine in case of an error. I have gone through earlier postings and found that the previous person who asked this question (3 years ago) had not received any answers. I of course can put a relay in the gShield power circuit that opens went a limit switch is closed, but that should not be necessary. My Protoneer grbl shield has 6 limit switch inputs (but unfortunately not enough power for this application). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


    I found the solution to my question. Solder a line of header pins into the hole in the gshield above D9 through GND. Twist together the leads from your N/O X-axis limit switches and solder them to a pin in D9. Repeat for y-axis switches and solder them to pin in D10. Repeat for Z-axis switches and solder to pin in D11. wire common to GND.

    In future gshield upgrades, Synthetos should consider adding jumper pins or a socket for these pins, as soldering to the very tiny solder pads on this board is difficult. Also, if use of the micro stepping feature requires two jumpers, thye should provide two…I only got one.


    I actually do have the same problem but are not able to fix it using your method. I am using the Easel online software, and are starting to think that the limitation is in the software. I am rather new to CNC, and are not sure where to go from here. Is there any other prefered software I shuld use?

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