JSON Parent and Name Defs

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  • #11150
    Chris S

    I can’t believe I’m asking for help finding this because it HAS to be here on this site SOMEWHERE. I’m trying to parse the JSON return from the TinyG and am unable to find definition/table of all the Parent and Name definitions.

    I’ve looked all over including here:


    here: https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/wiki/JSON-Details

    and here: https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/wiki/TinyG-Status-Codes

    Here’s an example of what I’m trying to parse:

    {“r”:{“fv”:0.970,”fb”:440.20,”hp”:1,”hv”:8,”id”:”7U4895-HUH”,”msg”:”SYSTEM READY”},”f”:[1,0,0,1521]}

    I’ve figured out that:

    “fv” = Firmware Version
    “fb” = Firmware Build
    “hp” = Hardware Platform
    “hv” = Hardware Version
    “id” = Identifier
    “msg” = Message

    But I’d much rather just look at documentation and write my code the right way the first time.

    Which would be a new thing for me on this project. 😉


    I speak conversational, not strict formal JSONese, so am wondering if there is a term for the specific info or document you are looking for.
    Such as, if this was a database problem, “what is the schema for the database”. If a bad analogy, I apologize.

    As far as I can tell, for tinyG space the docs you reference above are what is available.
    Does https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/blob/edge-0.98/firmware/tinyg/json_parser.h provide any additional info?

    There is this for G2core:
    which appears to be similar to tinyG on the surface.

    Assuming you still need more info, I suggest a query at
    where you will, in time, get the attention of the developers.

    Hope that helps

    Chris S


    Ha, that’s good. I’m going to use it. Schema is probably a decent comparison.

    I think that your link to “json_parser.h” is pointing me in a direction that will work. I’ll probably post in the issues section too.


    Chris S

    Once I slowed down and looked one more time I found the footer array definition in a table here:



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