Jogging/moving Z axis disables TinyG

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  • #10847

    I was running through the TinyG tuning process for the Z axis (jerk settings) with Chilipepper as well as playing with voltages to try and get a satisfactory result, since I keep having stalling midway through the travel (I know not to overturn the pots). I continued lowering the jerk settings, probably to around 5mm from the baseline 50. I then attempted to move the Z axis and nothing happened, I soon realized that I couldn’t jog any axis or input anything to the tinyG board, trying to move Z just freezes my whole board, resetting TinyG allows my to move X and Y, but once I Jog Z the same happens, over and over again. I don’t believe I’ve shorted anything out, no blue smoke occurred… could my on board stepper driver have just died completely without warning?

    It’s almost like a kill switch was activated, even though I have no limit switches, only a Z setting plate. If I set the Z axis to “always on” it locks the TinyG on startup, it also energizes the motor locking it in place.

    this topic is similar to my problem but it hasn’t gone away on it’s own.

    Reset on move?


    Solved, what happened is that I reduced the jerk speed below TinyG’s minimum (and I had to change the setting


    hitting Z and locking TinyG), because of my misunderstanding of jerk settings. What I needed to edit were the maximum travel speeds, since the motor was stalling midway as it tried to accelerate to warp speed… halved the speeds now I can continue my tuning!


    Good news, I guess.
    What did you determine that minimum to be?

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