Issues with TinyG2 firmware on Arduino Due

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    Flow control defaults to XON/XOFF

    However it seems that it’s actually supporting RTS/CTS control as opposed to XON/XOFF. I’ve not dug deeper to figure out why… some USB hardware drivers (as it’s using a composite device driver) don’t actually support hardware flow control… not sure if this one does or not but it seems that the define in that file has no actual effect.

    So if you want to communicate with it, make sure CTS is enabled, as per here:


    What Host OS you using?

    I am running Linux, And see Two connection options when connected to the USB main port: /dev/ttyACM0 and /dev /ttyACM1.
    Coolterm does not connect to either.

    But you don’t actually use Coolterm, correct?


    I’m using Windows, and that is correct I do not use Coolterm, I use a program I wrote.

    I see two com ports on windows, one called Data and one called Control. The Control one is the one I connect to, 115200 baud, and with CTS enabled it seems to be responsive. I actually trigger DTR line high, which causes the G2 to become responsive (where it was silent before)


    Win7 or Win8?
    I have seen implications that Win8 is too fussy about signing of drivers to use the TinyG driver, I was about to try Win7.

    Are you physically connected to the programming USB or the Native USB port on the Due?


    Well how about that – I’m in!
    There is now a CoolTerm down loadable for Linux.
    I opened that, it automagically connected to /dev/ttyACM0 at 9600baud, I upped that to 115200

    I am physically connected to the Native USB Port.

    The Edge build I have is `[fb] firmware build 71.04
    [fv] firmware version 0.97
    [cv] configuration version 5.00
    [hp] hardware platform 3.00`


    I’m curious; connected as I am, the Tx or RX led that flashes about 1/sec is still flashing 1/sec. You seeing the same?
    I expected that to stop once a connection was established, perhaps I misread.


    Win7, so no driver issues.

    I’m also connected to the native port, glad to hear you got it talking!

    I don’t have mine hooked up right now but next time I do I can let you know. I know I was seeing that before I got the DTR thing figured out…. not sure if it’s still doing it.


    Thanks for added info.

    At the moment, I am staring at the Makefile.
    I built a settings file based on my machine, derived from one of the existing files. But it appears that the default, settings_default.h got used, ignoring my make command
    make PLATFORM=gShield SETTINGS_FILE=settings_shapeoko2_cjm_v1.0.h >gShield_build.log

    Did you try to make with other than defaults?


    I resolved my build issue, I think.

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