Is there a way to 'upload' full $$?

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    I guess I’m wondering if it would be practical to save a “last known good config” type thing so that I could correct in the case of sequential changes that might break the function. I can always save it as text obviously and correct line by line until everything matches, but is there a way to change all the settings all at once with a single document. The reason I ask is that I’m setting my old machine for a friend and it would be really handy if I could just tell him to upload/install a single config file for $$.


    Give that URL a read and a try. I developed it a while back for exactly the purpose you describe, as well as a way for CP users to generate a text file that would be helpful in Forum discussions. It seeks to automate a CLI interaction via coolterm or the like.

    It may not work, be sure to switch to mm mode before trying to run it.
    Access to the sub-widget was broken by the move of CP to the new host platform, but that is now fixed.

    If you are not a Chilipeppr user, there are some ad-hoc Python scripts around that implemented the same function.

    What may not be obvious, depending on how deep you read the description: there is a hardware bug in the microcontroller on tinyG that requires a wait between each parameter write. The script sends a parameter, then waits for a response from tinyG before sending the next one.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by cmcgrath5035.

    It is not really a bug, but an inherent characteristic of the memory type; a write takes some time.


    As I understand it, the bug is that cannot monitor communications while waiting.

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