is K40 Laser with TinyG possible ?

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Projects is K40 Laser with TinyG possible ?

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    i have a 40W chinese laser cutter (you know the cheap ebay one) and unfortunatly i had a power surge the other day and it fried the control board and the power supply.

    checked over the power supply and it seems i can fix that one with a couple of diodes (fingers crossed) they should arrive in a couple of days.

    but the control board is a total write off πŸ™

    so i was thinking i have this TinyG V8 lying around that i havent gotten any use out of, and i was wondering if this would work ? i have been searching around but cant seems to find a decent “guide” when it comes to the TinyG.

    my main problems in this is that i know next to nothing about programming, and as such most of the words used on forums like this is over the top of my head πŸ™ so please keep it simple πŸ™‚

    but what i want to end up with is a machine that can cut and engrave. is this possible with the TinyG ?

    if possible, how would i generate the Gcode for the cutting and engraving (what programs will work)

    how much needs to be changed to the firmware of the TinyG to get it working (does anyone have a step by step guide ?)

    i am not worried about the electrical parts of it, if someone can tell me what output is for what i will get that wired up no problem.


    Yes, tinyG can control a laser but it is an open question for you – is it right for your tool chain, specifically Gcode generator and required laser control.
    What is it you want to cut/engrave? Metal, plastic, ?


    well the main things i have been using it for since i got it has been things like cutting acrylic or wooden parts, and using the engrave to remove paint of metals prior to etching.

    the crappy chinese board did it’s job even thou it was VERY temperamental. but since that is dead i figured since i have a tinyG collecting dust that could be an option.


    WHat I am suggesting is that you determine what tool(s) you choose to use for Gcode generation, with particular focus on what the Gcode strategy does to control laser on/off and intensity. Then evaluate if tinyG can be coaxed to turn the Gcode into necessary/usable results.
    For tinyG to adjust laser intensity using PWM, for example, the generated Gcode would have to vary the SPindle S (speed) parameter in order to vary intensity via Pulse Width modification.


    Yes, certainly the TinyG can replace your controller in your K40, and do a far better job.

    You would be better off using the existing drivers, as they are already wired in and it makes it a much easier job.

    This guide should get you started with the physical side:

    From a tool chain perspective, you are probably using one of the Chinese laser apps that expects to see a controller it recognises. I suspect getting it to recognise a grbl-based controller is going to be difficult, so don’t bother – go with a more modern app such as LaserGRBL or Inkscape with a plug-in.

    This should help you along:

    The biggest problem you will face is getting used to a new tool chain, but it isn’t hard, once you work out what parts of a new app are the same as your Chinese one.

    Have a look at those two articles and come back with any questions.



    i will look into it. πŸ™‚

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