How to connect Mechanical Endstop to tinyg contoller

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    i am very new to this.i cannot understand how to connect endstop to tinyg model is version 8.please help me!!!

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by debasish.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by debasish.

    A good place to start is the tinyG Wiki, specifically:

    If you need more help, tell us a bit about you machine and what does/does not work for you.


    thank you for quick reply cmcgrath5035 but i cant understand that do i need to connect one terminal of the endstop to 3.3v? or connecting to signal and gnd pin is only needed from endstop?i am using normally closed endstop. I am using this contoller for controlling shapeoko cnc machine.


    Here is what I understand you to have: A ShapeoOko, with a tinyGv8 (or v7) controller and mechanical endstop/limit switch. You plan on using the switch in NC mode.
    Each switch port on the tinyG has a resistor from the port to +3.3V and a small capacitor to ground on the printed wiring board, so when nothing is connected the port is held high by the resistor. When you connect a Normally Closed (NC) switch, one switch terminal to ground (at tinyG) and one switch terminal to the tinyG port, the port will be at ground potential (logic 0) in the switch’s normal state and the port will go logic high (3.3V) when the switch is mechanically operated. No connection to the 3.3V power supply leads is required.
    To connect the switch, use a shielded two wire cable(2 wires plus shield), 24 gauge conductors are more than adequate, finer gauge OK but can be difficult to reliably connect (up to you). The drain wire for the shield should be grounded at the tinyG end only, the shield should not be connected at the machine end.

    Good luck with your build.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
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