How to connect a Touch Plate to TinyG

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  • #8784

    Hi All
    I am trying to setup a touch plate in Chilipeppr and tinyg. I have the Z min and Max set to NC and Z min connected to the touch plate. Now my logic fails me. in Tiny G all min and max switches need to be set to the same NC or NO.

    For the Touch Plate to work do I need to set all axis switches to NO and if so when the touch plate contact the sensor will this cause Tinyg to create an alarm and stop requiring a reset.

    So what I need to know is how is this setup to work with Tinyg and Chilipeppr


    Can we assume you are running very recent FW, such as 440.20?

    What you describe is “old” behavior.
    A change was made such that when a probe command,e.g. G38.2 Z0 , is sent,FW logic changes to looking for a change of state on Zmin switch, rather than a high or low. The other 5 limit/home switches remain level only, not change of state.

    So all switches can be set NC (recommended) or NO with the $ST parameter, when probing the probe will trigger when the Zmin switch changes state.

    Here is a descriptive reference comment

    See also

    for how ChiliPeppr uses this

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