Homing issue

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  • #7232

    After reading many (very many) messages about home and limit switches I cannot find a solution for this homing issue. On my EshapeOko I installed NC switches and when I setup the TinyG according https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/wiki/Homing-and-Limits-Setup-and-Troubleshooting#homing-setup-and-configuration, the carriage moves until engaging the homing switch, and then stops, without backoff. I double checked that the min switch goes to min and max to max, disconnected all other limit/home switches from TinyG.

    Coolterm reports: {“er”:{“fb”:438.02,”st”:31,”msg”:”Move time is NAN”}} followed by
    {“er”:{“fb”:438.02,”st”:28,”msg”:”Failed to get planner buffer”}}.

    The TinyG board info:
    [fb] firmware build 438.02
    [fv] firmware version 0.97
    [hp] hardware platform 1.00
    [hv] hardware version 8.00

    I put the dump file in: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m5kupbg459q6anb/AABCrAKvi98lageOqL783fxPa?dl=0

    Any help/suggestion is appreciated.

    Best regards,


    Hmmm, nothing obvious in your $$ parameter setup.

    New machine, or have you used it for a while, without issues?

    You might try a $defa=1, to reset all parameters to factory default.
    Alas, you will then have to reset all you parameters, but it seems some units have some non-visible (via $$) issues sometimes.


    because the same issue popped up just a few days ago, and both had a very low latch velocity, I experimented a bit.
    Turns out this problem occurs when both the latch velocity $_lv is ridiculously low, and jerk homing $_jh is ridiculously high. It seems this triggers a numeric underflow and tinyg tries to continue with NaN (not a number).

    Solution: Set $_lv higher (>= 50) and $_jh lower (< 1000). If the jerk is too high, the machine can’t follow anyway without losing steps, and this somehow defeats the purpose of homing to get a *reliable* position.

    Happy New Year to you all!


    Problem solved, thanks for your help! Setting the lv and jh as advised solved the problem.

    Thanks and Happy New Year!


    Good find, chmr.
    Looking at current fw build parameters, $_lv=100 but $_jh=10000.
    I’ll suggest that those be reviewed.

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