HELP PLEASE Spindir flashing

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Support HELP PLEASE Spindir flashing


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  • #9028

    My Ox has been working perfectly up to now. I turned everything on started json and loaded Chillipepper Connected to my Tinyg v8, jogged it about to zero work and it was behaving in a strange way jalty jogs. It’s normally smooth when I use the arrow keys to jog but it was starting and stopping a lot. Got my stock zero set and clicked start and nothing happened. I did a restart on everything and when I turned the tinyg on the Spindir led blinks maybe 4 or 5 times a second nothing i do seems to sort it. Tried flashing new firmware etc and nothing seems to work.
    Help would be very much appreciated I have some g10 to cut out for a customer :/.

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to reply.


    Please report what FW you had running tinyG (440.20 is most recent) and what version of SPJS.
    You are the third in the past few days with this, starting to look like more than a random issue.

    BTW, as you probably know, the flashing SpinDir means bootloader is running, with nothing to boot into.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    sorry i did reply sooner but it didnt posted for some reason. yeah i was thinking that it might be in some sort of bootloader loop. its on FW 440.16 and json is 1.86


    i tried flashing it to the newer 440.20 but it reported at the end as unable to verify so i dont think it worked


    yes its in a constant ootloader loop. ive left it on for about 40min while i was doing bits and bobs came back and still flashing, just tried a re flash didnt reset with the button like i was ment to just to see if it was in bootloader and the firmware started programming but reports back at the end Verification error:content mismatch


    sorry i did reply sooner but it didnt posted for some reason. yeah i was thinking that it might be in some sort of bootloader loop. its on FW 440.16 and json is 1.86

    i tried flashing it to the newer 440.20 but it reported at the end as unable to verify so i dont think it worked

    yes its in a constant bootloader loop i think. ive left it on for about 40min while i was doing bits and bobs came back and still flashing, just tried a re flash didnt reset with the button like i was ment to just to see if it was in bootloader and the firmware started programming but reports back at the end Verification error:content mismatch


    What OS are you flashing from (Win, Mac, Linux)
    What method to upgrade (reflash) did you use (CLI, SPJS, other)?

    Unfortunately, your results are now very similar to two other active Forum items, cause not yet well understood(by me, anyway).

    The devs looking hard at it

    While I have your attention, do you recall if you had specified any of the Gcode overrides on your job, such as speed up/slow down?


    using windows 7 and i used the CMD to try to re flash it. No i used the same gcode file that i have used a lot of times that i have saved.


    i would try the tinyg updater app but im not sure how that method works


    No i used the same gcode file that i have used a lot of times that i have saved

    OK, but CP does have the ability to statically (whole job) or dynamically modify Fxxx in motion speed settings, by dynamically modifying Fxxx Gcode directives.
    Additionally, Auto-Leveling can dynamically modify Z depth.

    I’ll assume for now you were not using any of these features.


    no i was not using anything like that.


    Anymore news do you know? just wondering if it would be quicker to send the board back to them. Need my CNC back up and running asap.


    All I know at the moment.

    There is a potential fix via an updated tinyGUpdater that will manipulate fuses.
    I suggest wait 24 hours for it to be tested.
    You might want to ping Synthetos for info on where to send just in case


    thank you. Where do i ping Synthetos for info on where to send

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