HELP "drip feed" tinyG

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    I am developing a project that involves the constant monitoring of line execution while running code on tiny G.

    This project involves two tinyG boards synchronized that move a total of 6 motors. In order to execute the code correctly, I need to check if both boards completed the line execution (different code for each board) that was sent in order to keep sending the next line.

    First, what is the best way to check for handshake in tiny G?

    second , is there a way to drip feed the boards to have more control of the synchronization?

    Finally, any ideas on how to synchronize both boards so they wait for each other before executing next line of code?

    thanks a lot for the help!


    Are you familiar with Chilipeppr?


    It has implemented extensive execution tracking as part of the essential management of buffer fill.
    I would play with it a bit, study how the tracking mechanics are implemented, then selectively leverage the parts that might be helpful. It is all Open Source code.


    I have been studying it a little bit , but i havenĀ“t succeded in the synchronization of two tinyG.
    I am a little bit lost since i need my software to wait until both board finished the line execution in order to send the next.


    Can be done, relatively easily. I’m not in my office so I can’t check the details, but you can see from the status message that motion is stopped; in other words, the command is done.

    I have a pick and place machine, and that application needs just that: Wait for a command to execute and movement to stop, do a vision measurement, switch vacuum pump or something else if needed, send another command and so on. If you want to have a look at how I did it, you can find a link to the (open source) software source code at

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