grblShield V5 not responding to gcode commands

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    I connected the grblshield to the arduino and noticed there were 2 extra pins on the motor connectors side. when i connect the 24v power to the shield, the blue led turns on. I send any gcode i get “ok” back from the arduino. i checked the arduino output pins and they seem to be sending signals to the shield. But none of the motors turn. none of the motor LEDs turn on either. The motors work just fine when i use a regular stepper motor driver. What am i missing? is there a setting in grbl? i saw a post from 2011 that says there is a patch. but it doesnt apply to grbl v0.8c which is what im using. Im using an arduino UNO R2. The 2 extra pins makes me wonder if this was supposed to work with some other arduino. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    It seems you got a prototype v5. These are not for sale yet. But here’s what’s going on and some options for you.

    There are 8 pins on J6 on the v5 gShield. If you have an R2 UNO there are only 6 pins on the power connector, meaning the 2 additional pins from the gShield J6 are hanging loose. On an R3 Uno these pins deliver power. The v5 can be made to work on an R2, but you have to move the jumper on J11 from the lowest position to the top position (cut the jumper and add a new one). This will route 5v from the R2 Arduino to the gShield.

    The other option is to return the v5 for a v4. We’ll pay for all shipping as its our mistake.


    Thank you! That fixed it!

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