GCode to put Chilipepper into Feedhold?

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    Is there a GCode command that would put Chilipepper into Feedhold status? I would like to use that, or an equivalent means of pausing execution, so I can check my setup before sending the mill off to cut metal. I want to pause until I issue a command to continue, not just pause for a predefined time. I use Chilipepper, so maybe this question belongs in another part of the forum–please let me know.


    I believe it is a true statement that Gcode does not have a freehold command equivalent.
    Gcode does have an M6 bitchange command, not supported by tinyG

    In the Chilipeppr environment this can be overcome using a chillipeppr_pause directive in a comment.
    Read this

    That should hopefully work for you.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    Actually, the TinyG Wiki confused me on this point because it lists the status of the M6 (Tool Change) command as “No operation at this time”. That made me think it did nothing. In fact, the M6 command stops the execution of GCode on the TinyG, and communicates that to Chilipepper, which highlights the “Pause” button in their GCode widget. That’s exactly what I was looking for above (“or an equivalent means of pausing execution”). So, problem solved. Thanks for the quick reply…Jack


    Thanks for the info, apparently the Wiki is out of date.

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