Footer Code

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  • #11693

    Since building my tinyG/shapeoko I have been shutting down after each run of a multiple run project, rehoming and re-zeroing, next run, etc..
    With the footer code below, the finish position is not as needed to simply run the next file. Like to know how I might edit the footer code below so that I can just run the next file.
    Possibly related to G54 or G10 L2 P2 X0 Y0 Z0, but unsure where to place.

    (My Gcode via Cut2d. CoolTerm to send files)

    current foot:
    G28 (return home)
    $gco (set default coordinate system)
    $gpl (set default plane)
    G90 (set MODE_ABSOLUTE)
    G94 (set UNITS_PER_MINUTE)
    M5 (spindle is stopped)
    G80 (motion mode is canceled)
    $gun (Default INCHES or MM units mode is restored)
    G28.2 x0y0z0
    (reset G28)

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by mristau.

    I am not sure I understand how you footer code is supposed to work.
    Is this string of Gcode commands appended to all jobs?
    For example, unclear to me what you expect $gco to do without a parameter. Is your desire to reset to the default coordinate system? I don’t think this will achieve that. I have never seen parameter settings blended with a Gcode file.
    Reset, what you are doing now (if I understand correctly) would re-read/reset all defaults.

    TinyG is tasked with running a job, not managing multiple jobs.
    You probably need to do that at the CAM layer, e.g. Chilipeppr or cnc.js


    This seem to accomplish what I need:

    begin FOOTER


    With this I can run sequence of project files without re-homing and re-positioning for G92. (Hopefully avoiding any position differences resulting from re-homing for each project file.)

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by mristau.
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