Flushing the Planner Queue Completely

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  • #7589

    My understanding is that a % command flushes the current G code command and starts with the next command in the planning buffer. There may be several commands in the planning buffer. Is there a way of flushing all of these commands?


    I believe % command is same as $QF, Wiki sez

    all commands are flushed from planning buffers


    Thanks for the tip about QF. I missed that. I may have interpreted the % command write up wrong. It seems a little vague on the point. Here is what it says:

    If you wish to not perform the remainder of the move after the feedhold send a queue flush character (‘%’) after the feedhold character. Motion will start with the next Gcode command entered. A cycle start is not necessary after a queue flush.

    I have just received the hardware I need to test this. I will post the results.


    If you wish to not perform the remainder of the move after the feedhold send a queue flush character (‘%’) after the feedhold character. Motion will start with the next Gcode command entered. A cycle start is not necessary after a queue flush.

    I looked and looked and could not find the % reference – where did you see it?

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