DUE with g2 or TinyG?

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    Hi. Not sure if this is the right subforum, but I couldn’t see anywhere better.

    I am considering getting a TinyG for my CNC router, but as it is a dual Y motor gantry build it would be fully using the TinyG board. This gives me a problem as I would like to add a rotational axis in the near future.

    But then I saw this:

    Six motor pinouts is more than enough 🙂 Will have to do something fun with the last one.

    I can easily get a Arduino DUE (I am thinking a clone for $14) and then whatever cost it would be to get one of those boards made. But is the software usable at this point?
    And what about the new board that were said to be coming out this fall? Are they almost here and I should hold of or are they nowhere near ready? (I realize this can only be answered by someone from Syntheos, but I am hoping they frequent this forum as well).

    The machine is using external drivers btw.

    If anyone has any advice I would very much like to hear it, thank you 🙂


    There are many users of DUE based G2 firmware.
    I’d suggest reviewing the G2 wiki and also perhaps looking thru the Issues log on github.

    I have not seen a timeline for release of the “new board”, and if you are using external drivers anyway it may not be significantly more useful to you.


    There isn’t really a problem with having a TinyG and using a dual motor y setup and rotational axis, I have this setup.

    I have a 4 pin terminal socket wired to Motor 4 and a 4 pin terminal plug wired to one of the y axis motors and another to the rotational axis so I can easily switch between the two as you don’t need the y axis when your using the rotational axis.

    Apart from this you just have to change which axis motor 4 is mapped to and a few of its settings and disable the other y motor when using the rotational axis, this can be done quickly via the Chillipeppr settings.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by mara.

    Thank you for your input, both of you. I have ordered a DUE.

    I hope I don’t end up needing the ATMEL-ICE for debugging. That thing is expensive as I don’t know what.

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