Dual Gantry with floating base. How to set limit switches on each motor?

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    I’m using a dual gantry for a measurement system which will not have a fixed base (literally can slide around on top of a table) and is designed to be partly disassembled, shipped and reassembled on occasion. This means the two motors may easily come out of sync and I’m looking for a way to have the system automatically reset the base back to square periodically. Since it appears that the XYZA limit switches are independent of the actual motor running, it seems plausible that I can use four inputs for a ‘Limit/Home’ switch.

    Based on the documentation, it sounds like I won’t be able to do this under an XYYZ configuration and will have to implement the two independent Y motors as an XYZA configuration. Is this a correct assumption?

    In short, I’d have to configure the controller (for example, set the two Y motors temporarily as X and Y), and then set home the two Y motors (e.g. G28 X Y). Then completely reconfigure the controller for the normal setup as XYYZ.

    Is there a better way to do this, or am I on the right track?


    The better way is to use servo motors rather than steppers

    Or…. Bridging the price gap, closed-loop steppers

    You would need external drivers and to use in step/direction mode


    Great advice, thank you. Unfortunately, no one considered servo motors for this job and we’ve already got the hardware – I barely got approval for the project as is =/
    Looks like I’ll have to opt for either a software solution, or just training for proper setup. Thanks!

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