A couple of years ago, I bought a chinese 3040 with its parallel port controler. In order to change this driver I’ve bougth a G2 + Arduino Due.
I’m on the way to install this new solution, but with some difficulties.
My host is a W10 Pro (1703) PC.
I did not compile G2-core which has been installed using TinyG2_Due-edge-078.03-default.bin and bossac.exe
However, now I still only have only two usb ports active.
COM3 active (Arduino Due Programming Port)
COM5 active (Bossa Program Port)
It is said (https://github.com/synthetos/g2/wiki/Connecting-to-g2core) “Windows 10 does not need this procedure and should work out-of-the-box.”. Not for me.
It should, but it don’t….
Any idea will be appreciated
Thank you
This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by cuagn.