I’m running F360, JSON and Chilipeppr on Windows 10 64 bit. Both the machine and the tiny g have been working perfectly for about a month. I guess I’ve never tried cutting perfect circles. This is not a backlash issue, it’s not in the design and I can’t tell if it’s in the file, but I’ll attach. I’ve tried this with and without helical moves allowed in Fusion post process. Here’s the $$ followed by the file: https://gist.github.com/GregRobinson85/ec08141e4447e18f4c4864a412780ca7
The file isn’t too long. Specifically what’s happening is the cutter is starting out okay and about 60 degrees into the cut, it makes some kind of adjustment where it moves toward a larger diameter circle. It seems like it might be part of a really big spiral. I have some pockets cut in the circular piece and when I measure from the circular pocket to the outer diameter, the values change as I move around. Right before every adjustment, the measurement is smaller. Then it corrects, or whatever it’s doing and it does the same thing again right when it gets to the beginning of the cut. I have photos but I’m not really sure how to attach any.