Could Jerk be causing my extended ShapeOko to miss steps?

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Support Could Jerk be causing my extended ShapeOko to miss steps?

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    Thanks. Now I have enough to try to reproduce this. I’ll look for numbered lines. It’s not essential, but it is a help. I looked at your files – I don’t think line length is an issue.


    Alright. I updated the files with lines, ran them through Coolterm while logging the output. Last one I made the status replies verbose.

    I stopped each file after several malfunctions, but I can’t pinpoint the exact line number they happen on, the log scrolls past so fast.


    New development; I created the same job in Vectric Cut2D, and it worked like a charm. I don’t think it’s got anything to do with my machine, PSU or heat. The G-code created by CamBam does something that makes the motors skip a step. Until I find out what, I’m going to have to get a new CAM software.


    Thanks for the heads up.

    I’ve been traveling so it’s been hard to reproduce this, but I noticed some rough movement in the file(s) you gave me. I’ve been diagnosing the problem as I have time. I suspect it has to do with some of the very short arcs being output by Cambam. You might also try disabling arc output from CamBam, which I think it can do.

    I’d like to find a way to run these files even if the Cambam arc output causes problems., It’s probably some corner case that hasn’t been dealt with. So I’m going to keep diagnosing this.


    Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it!

    Going to see if I can make it arcless in CamBam and run a test.


    Arcs converted into lines, made the machine stutter a lot as it accelerates/decelerates through tiny line segments. Stepper motors skipped steps here aswell, just in different places than it used to.

    I’m going to check the EMC2 post processor directives in CamBam, and put in very conservative values.


    Try dev branch build 396.03 and see if that doesn’t work better for you. I’ve tested it and it seems OK.


    Thank you for your update, I’ll try the dev branch today 🙂


    Should I use the debug tinyg.hex file or compile a release file myself?


    Either should do. It’s easier to use the hex but being able to compile your own definitely has its advantages. Please heed caveats on the use of the dev branch. It’s EXPERIMENTAL. I hope to push these changes to edge in the next week or so.

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