Configuring interlock & GRBL pins on Arduino DUE & G2core

Home Forums g2Core Hardware Support Configuring interlock & GRBL pins on Arduino DUE & G2core

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  • #12158

    Hi all, I need urgent help getting interlock, feed hold & soft reset pins working on a Due-based shield; I’ve been going through the documentation and configuration files and I just can’t quite see what I need to do. I’m using the master branch of g2core.

    If I understand correctly, one way to connect a safety interlock pin is by using one of the general digital input pins and setting its function to INPUT_FUNCTION_INTERLOCK; however, some of the other board definitions have entries like kInterlock_InPinNumber explicitly defined in the motate_pin_assignment file; are these vestigial code or am I supposed to be defining/using something like this to enable safety interlock on a Due shield? Whilst on the subject, is kOutputSAFE_PinNumber related to interlock functionality at all?

    On a possibly related note, the shield I’m using has several pins defined in the pinout header as “kGRBL_ResetPinNumber” and “kGRBL_FeedHoldPinNumber,” but these don’t seem to function when the code is compiled, so what do I need to do to actually properly enable the functionality of these pins? SHOULD I in fact do this, or would it be better to convert them into additional standard digital input pins? Is that actually possible? (I think I can get software reset functionality by setting an existing digital input pin to use INPUT_ACTION_RESET, but I need all of the currently defined input pins for endstops, so I’d rather enable or repurpose the “GRBL pins” and keep the endstop pins free if possible.) Basically, what’s the PROPER way to do this? I’ve been poring over the code for weeks and I have the nasty suspicion that at least some of what I’ve mentioned above is vestigial/obsolete code that I shouldn’t be using. I might also need to add emergency stop functionality later, is there a proper way to do this as well?

    Sorry if this is all really basic stuff, but I’m on a tight deadline and tearing my hair out, I’ve managed to get everything else configured just the way I need it and the motors are all turning and homing nicely, but I can’t put the damned system into service until I get these safety features working.

    • This topic was modified 2 years ago by tnm23.

    This is likely a software/configuration issue, but yes, the endresult is hardware that works.

    I recommend you post thas at, the G2 developers and many other hackers/customizers hand out there.
    You make the shield in your design sound somewhat mysterious, home brew?
    If it is a commercial part, identifying might speed a response.

    Good luck with your project

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