Configure both Normally Closed (NC) and Normally Open (NO) switches

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Support Configure both Normally Closed (NC) and Normally Open (NO) switches

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  • #6193

    Does anyone know if there is currently a way to configure TinyG to work with both Normally Closed and Normally Open switches on different inputs simultaneously. I have just setup mechanical NC switches at the x-min and y-min axis of my ShapeOko as well as aHall Effect sensor on the z-max which appears like a NO switch to TinyG.

    *I first posted this as a feature request, but thought I’d also check here in case it is indeed possible to configure switches on a per input basis opposed to only globally.


    Yours is the first question I have seen on this topic, I’d guess “no” with the current FW, since there is just a single NO/NC setting parameter ($st)in the config file.


    It seems there is a page on the github wiki, last edited back in September, which talks about refactoring the way switches are handled to better accommodate different switch types simultaneously, , which is the only place I have seen this issue identified and discussed. No idea if a solution is in the works or any additional functionality has been implemented into the edge/dev builds.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by O1iv3r.

    It looks like the last edited edge build still only has a global setting for configuring switch types -> (feature-410.06-base)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by O1iv3r.
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