Comprehensive list of command tokens?

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  • #6670

    Hi Synthetos folks,
    I have been getting acquainted with a TinyG model rev 8 FV 0.97 and I must say I am super impressed. It truly functions as a realtime gcode processor leaving my program to deal with higher-level control problems. Having had to solve various motion control problems in much more painful ways in the past, I can only say “Awesome job!”.
    I’m not actually making a CNC machine at all, rather I am making an artwork that moves objects on strings, not terribly unlike your WireBot work (at least on 2 of the axes).
    I have taken the existing tinyg node module as inspiration and am coding a custom version of it suitable for my machine. Due to my limited mental faculties, I have decided to expand the token names to longer property names attached to the object. So I pored over all the documentation I could find on the wiki and expanded all the general instructions into specific tokens. I’m using the following form:

        Object.defineProperty(this, "motor_1_microsteps", { //Motor 1 microsteps
            get: function() { self.write('{"1mi":""}'); },
            set: function(val) { self.write('{"1mi":' + val  + '}'); },
            configurable : true,
            enumerable : true

    I’m currently up to 125 properties/modes/commands. I have been looking over the list and I see some holes, however. For example, the A axis commands are not as inclusive as the other axes. This may be the way it was designed, or it may be an artifact of me searching across multiple pages and incompletely expanding the lists I found. I’m including a list of all the tokens I have found so far, and the longer names I’ve made for them. Could you take a look and tell me if I’m missing stuff? Better, is there some symbol table I could look at, that has a comprehensive listing of all tokens?

    atm axis_a_travel_max
    xfr axis_x_feed_rate_max
    xjm axis_x_jerk_max
    xjd axis_x_junction_deviation
    xam axis_x_mode
    xtm axis_x_travel_max
    xtn axis_x_travel_min
    xvm axis_x_velocity_max
    yam axis_y_axis_mode
    yfr axis_y_feed_rate_max
    yjm axis_y_jerk_max
    yjd axis_y_junction_deviation
    ytm axis_y_travel_max
    ytn axis_y_travel_min
    yvm axis_y_velocity_max
    zam axis_z_axis_mode
    zfr axis_z_feed_rate_max
    zjm axis_z_jerk_max
    zjd axis_z_junction_deviation
    ztm axis_z_travel_max
    ztn axis_z_travel_min
    zvm axis_z_velocity_max
    ct chordal_tolerance
    md disable_motors
    me energize_motors
    gdi incremental_enabled
    ja junction_acceleration
    gun mm_enabled
    ajh axis_a_homing_jerk
    alb axis_a_homing_latch_backoff
    alv axis_a_homing_latch_velocity
    asv axis_a_homing_velocity
    azb axis_a_homing_zero_backoff
    xlb axis_x_homing_latch_backoff
    xlv axis_x_homing_latch_velocity
    xsv axis_x_homing_velocity
    xzb axis_x_homing_zero_backoff
    xjh axis_x_jerk_homing
    ylb axis_y_homing_latch_backoff
    ylv axis_y_homing_latch_velocity
    ysv axis_y_homing_velocity
    yzb axis_y_homing_zero_backoff
    yjh axis_y_jerk_homing
    zlv axis_z_homing_homing_latch_velocity
    zlb axis_z_homing_latch_backoff
    zsv axis_z_homing_velocity
    zzb axis_z_homing_zero_backoff
    zjh axis_z_jerk_homing
    home home
    1ma motor_1_axis
    1mi motor_1_microsteps
    1po motor_1_polarity
    1pl motor_1_power_level
    1pm motor_1_power_management_mode
    1sa motor_1_step_angle
    1tr motor_1_travel_per_rev
    2ma motor_2_axis
    2mi motor_2_microsteps
    2po motor_2_polarity
    2pl motor_2_power_level
    2pm motor_2_power_management_mode
    2sa motor_2_step_angle
    2tr motor_2_travel_per_rev
    3ma motor_3_axis
    3mi motor_3_microsteps
    3po motor_3_polarity
    3pl motor_3_power_level
    3pm motor_3_power_management_mode
    3sa motor_3_step_angle
    3tr motor_3_travel_per_axis
    4ma motor_4_axis
    4mi motor_4_microsteps
    4po motor_4_polarity
    4pl motor_4_power_level
    4pm motor_4_power_management_mode
    4sa motor_4_step_angle
    4tr motor_4_travel_per_rev
    mt motor_disable_timeout
    p1wph pwm_1_ccw_phase_high
    p1wpl pwm_1_ccw_phase_low
    p1wsh pwm_1_ccw_speed_high
    p1wsl pwm_1_ccw_speed_low
    p1cph pwm_1_cw_phase_high
    p1cpl pwm_1_cw_phase_low
    p1csh pwm_1_cw_speed_high
    p1csl pwm_1_cw_speed_low
    p1frq pwm_1_frequency
    p1pof pwm_1_phase_off
    ara axis_a_radius
    bra axis_b_radius
    cra axis_c_radius
    asx axis_a_max_switch_mode
    asn axis_a_min_switch_mode
    xsx axis_x_max_switch_mode
    xsn axis_x_min_switch_mode
    ysx axis_y_max_switch_mode
    ysn axis_y_min_switch_mode
    zsx axis_z__max_switch_mode
    zsn axis_z_min_switch_mode
    st switch_type_nc_enabled
    baud baud_rate
    boot bootloader_enabled
    gco default_coord_system
    gpa default_path_control_mode
    gpl default_plane_selection
    ee echo_enabled
    ec enable_cr_on_tx
    defa factory_defaults
    fb firmware_build
    fv firmware_version
    ex flow_control_enabled
    hp hardware_platform
    hv hardware_version
    help help
    id id
    ej json_enabled
    jv json_verbosity
    qf queue_flush
    qr queue_report
    qv queue_report_verbosity
    test self_test
    sr status_report
    si status_report_interval
    sv status_report_verbosity
    tv text_verbosity

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by semiuniversal.

    I am getting back to this project after a hiatus. Is anyone able to address my question?


    I’m not sure what you mean by ‘tokens’, but wouldn’t the $$ command give you all the parameters available?


    By tokens I just mean the abbreviated commands to send over serial, such as the “set motor 1 microsteps” command being “1mi”. Basically what I’m looking for is a list of all commands and what they mean, all in one list. They seem to be spread out in small, somewhat redundant groupings throughout the documentation pages and it’s hard to tell what I’m missing.
    I did not know about $$. I’ll try that when next I get in front of my tinyg. Thanks!


    $$ is for sure a good place to start(well, continue actually, since you have a really full list already), but I don’t believe it would be the complete list.

    I would characterize $$ as representing the parameters the developers are comfortable with user’s tweaking with ‘acceptable’ risk. This is a guess on my part.
    When Alden checks in and speaks, you will know you have the full list.


    So $$ isn’t the full parameter list?

    Needs further investigation…

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