Compiling firmware for TinyG?

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    I’m attempting to see if I can fix my problems with the G38.2/M6 commands by recompiling the firmware. The problem seems to be that there are no updated instructions on how to compile.

    I initially tried to compile on Linux but none of the Makefiles worked. Eventually I tried AVRStudio 4(because everything I read said it was the best to work with) on XP and it still shows problems compiling. I can compile xboot but if I’m understanding correctly that’s just the bootloader and won’t actually help me with the firmware itself. When I try to compile the firmware it complains with

    “system.c:50 error: ‘HW_VERSION_TINYGV8’ undeclared (first use in this function)”

    Any help appreciated.



    Have you reviewed the G2 Wiki at



    I have a V8 though, how do I use the V9 instructions? Merely change any “V9” references in commands to “V8”?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by ehrichweiss.

    Never mind. I think I get it. I’ve been working with G1 code and if I’m understanding correctly V8 hardware is now included in G2.


    I’ve been working with G1 code and if I’m understanding correctly V8 hardware is now included in G2.

    Perhaps this G2 wiki item will help clarify

    If you have tinyG V8, you need to work with the tinyG code base.

    The DUE class microcontroller which is the target for G2 code base has capabilities beyond those available in tinyG’s Atmel ATxmega192 device.
    The G2 code does not run on the tinyG, but many of the internals are derived from common logic ported to the two different architectures.

    tinyG V9 is a prototype product that was not offered for sale. It featured the higher capability microcontroller used on the DUE. V9 will not be productized, but you will see it in the G2 code base build environment.

    Hope that helps


    Ok, I’m a bit further along. I still can’t seem to get it to compile on Linux but I got AVR Studio 6.2 working in Windows(thank goodness for VirtualBox) and it’s successfully compiled the code as-is.

    Now for my next big question, if I’m attempting to debug the code, is the Atmel-ICE(or MKII) device 100% necessary?


    Assuming you are compiling the tinyG (not G2) project, you might want to post an Issue here:

    We don’t see much forum traffic on compile issues.
    You can also review open and closed issues for helpful hints

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