i triy to compile tinyg by myself. branch edge, commit 65ae9b653cc945f12fcdfb4d37357135b004a4f3 with avr-gcc (Gentoo 4.8.2 p1.3r1, pie-0.5.8r1) 4.8.2. In the master branch there is a fixed path in the release makefile, so i did try the edge/defaut makefile, but i get the following error:
avr-gcc -mmcu=atxmega192a3 -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm -Wl,-Map=tinyg.map util.o canonical_machine.o config.o controller.o cycle_homing.o gcode_parser.o gpio.o help.o json_parser.o kinematics.o main.o planner.o report.o spindle.o stepper.o hardware.o test.o xmega_rtc.o xmega_eeprom.o xmega_init.o xmega_interrupts.o xio_usb.o xio_pgm.o xio_rs485.o xio_usart.o pwm.o plan_line.o plan_arc.o xio_spi.o xio_file.o network.o config_app.o text_parser.o switch.o cycle_probing.o xio.o cycle_jogging.o plan_exec.o encoder.o plan_zoid.o persistence.o -lm -o tinyg.elf
test.o: In function `run_test’:
/home/georg/Dokumente/Entwicklung/misc/tinyg/TinyG/firmware/tinyg/default/../test.c:62:(.text+0x38): relocation truncated to fit: R_AVR_7_PCREL against `no symbol’
Any info would be helpful …