Can't connect LinuxCNC, but coolterm is ok

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    Hi. Cnc and Linux newbie here.
    Built a 3 axis Creation Station from a kit, just started testing.
    Using a PC with LinuxCNC, ftdi drivers.
    Using cool term, I can connect to the tinyG on “/dev/ttyUSB0” , sending g1 commands, and it works like a charm.

    Using stepconf, the “test axis” does nothing. I’m baffled. It is there some other setup step I am missing? What should I use par port base address?

    Please assume nothing, I’m a total newbie.
    Thanks for any suggestions.


    I have never seen anyone try LinuxCNC with tinyG.
    LinuxCNC’s legacy was parallel port I/O and, if I recall correctly a couple years back, LinuxCNC performed much of the motion planning that tinyG does.
    Perhaps the model there has changed.

    Did you ask over at LinuxCNC?

    Many folks here use CoolTerm for basics and either Chilipeppr or home-brew for Gcode Management.

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