Arduino Due TinyG G2 + LitePlacer

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  • #8818

    DEar All,
    I would like to use G2 release to retrofit a pick and place machine along with SW from

    I have installed the G2 release on a Arduino Due board. Unfortunately when I connect the board with LitePlacer SW gives me a lot of errors.

    Please tell me , there are big differences on JSON communication between TinyG V8 and G2 ?

    For example JuKu (Creator of LitePlacer) told me to try to issue the command : j:0 to change the json handling behavoiur.

    What should I do to improve compatibility with standard version ?



    The intent is that G2 is identical to tinyG as implemented for V8.
    In some cases, G2 is a superset where there are new capabilities in G2 not supported by V8 platforms.

    I am not aware of a “j” command.

    Perhaps you are trying to send
    {“ej”:0} or {“ej”: 1} ?

    You’ll have to check with JuKu


    Doh. Note to self: learn to type. cmcgrath5035 gives the right json commands. I was trying to give the non-json format, $ej=0.


    I never make a typing mistake ….. 🙂

    By the way, your are setting the default json mode

    [ej] enable json mode 0 [0=text,1=JSON]

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    Hello All,
    THank you all for you replies ! ( I wonder why I didn’t received the replies !)

    unfortunately even with this command I don’t get a proper feedback :
    from LitePlacer I get :

    > {“ej”:0} 
    No _textBox or _maskedText For Field ?ej?
    > {"gc":"G1 F2000 X0"}
    > !%
    > {"gc":"G1 F2000 X0"}
    > !%
    > {“ej”:1}
    No _textBox or _maskedText For Field ?ej?

    I think that I have to build my own TinyG HW board and I will stick to Atxmega cpu but probably this path has his pitfalls as well.

    I saw on this forum a thread started by a guy that made a TinyG board without drivers. This seems to be close to what I need now (hoping that would be easier than using G2).



    The forum tool “subscribe-to” mechanism is not working, you are not informed of answers to your questions by the tool, you have to keep checking back.

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