Had the TnyG for a couple years, running on a homemade Ox. Things have gone reasonably well.
After several months being idle, I brought things back to life, put up new firmware, etc. Now I’m having the hardest time getting accurate cuts. I think I’ve narrowed it down to arc mode instructions.
Previews of GCode look fine, but do not reflect what’s carved. I’ve used CamBam, Aspire and manual GCode to try to check. I’ve updated firmware, disabled limit switches and checked and reset my settings.
Current settings are here. This is a factory reset with the most minor edits to reassign the four motors properly and the angles.
Example GCode going wonky is here
Photo of the cuts going nuts is here
And finally, I tried a manual arc cut in Coolterm – G2 X0 Y30 I0 J15 F200 – apparently should be a semicircle, but this is what I got.
Like I said, the stuff seems to render fine in Chilipeppr, Aspire and CamBam. Currently using a Win10 OS.
Very frustrated and hoping someone can assist.
– Rich
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