Arc specification errors?

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  • #3718

    I’ve just started trying to run my first job on a Shapeoko with Tinyg.  I’ve tried a couple different Gcode files off the Shapeoko wiki and I keep running into Arc Specification errors.  Does anyone have ideas on what I should try to resolve this?  I’ll post my Configuration which I copied from the Shapeoko tinyg wiki page.  Thanks for any help.


    [fb]  firmware_build            339.09

    [fv]  firmware_version            0.94

    [si]  status_interval             0 ms [0=off]

    [gpl] gcode_select_plane          0 [0,1,2]

    [gun] gcode_units_mode            0 [0,1]

    [gco] gcode_coord_system          1 [1-6]

    [gpa] gcode_path_control          2 [0,1,2]

    [gdi] gcode_distance_mode         0 [0,1]

    [ea]  enable_acceleration         1 [0,1]

    [ja]  junction_acceleration    7874 in

    [ml]  min_line_segment            0.003 in

    [ma]  min_arc_segment             0.004 in

    [mt]  min_segment_time         5000 uSec

    [ic]  ignore CR or LF on RX       0 [0,1=CR,2=LF]

    [ec]  enable_CR (on TX)           0 [0,1]

    [ee]  enable_echo                 1 [0,1]

    [ex]  enable_xon_xoff             1 [0,1]

    [eh]  enable_hashcode             1 [0,1]

    [g54x] g54_x_offset               0.000 in

    [g54y] g54_y_offset               0.000 in

    [g54z] g54_z_offset               0.000 in

    [g54a] g54_a_offset               0.000 in

    [g54b] g54_b_offset               0.000 in

    [g54c] g54_c_offset               0.000 in

    [g55x] g55_x_offset               0.000 in

    [g55y] g55_y_offset               0.000 in

    [g55z] g55_z_offset               0.000 in

    [g55a] g55_a_offset               0.000 in

    [g55b] g55_b_offset               0.000 in

    [g55c] g55_c_offset               0.000 in

    [g56x] g56_x_offset               0.000 in

    [g56y] g56_y_offset               0.000 in

    [g56z] g56_z_offset               0.000 in

    [g56a] g56_a_offset               0.000 in

    [g56b] g56_b_offset               0.000 in

    [g56c] g56_c_offset               0.000 in

    [g57x] g57_x_offset               0.000 in

    [g57y] g57_y_offset               0.000 in

    [g57z] g57_z_offset               0.000 in

    [g57a] g57_a_offset               0.000 in

    [g57b] g57_b_offset               0.000 in

    [g57c] g57_c_offset               0.000 in

    [g58x] g58_x_offset               0.000 in

    [g58y] g58_y_offset               0.000 in

    [g58z] g58_z_offset               0.000 in

    [g58a] g58_a_offset               0.000 in

    [g58b] g58_b_offset               0.000 in

    [g58c] g58_c_offset               0.000 in

    [g59x] g59_x_offset               0.000 in

    [g59y] g59_y_offset               0.000 in

    [g59z] g59_z_offset               0.000 in

    [g59a] g59_a_offset               0.000 in

    [g59b] g59_b_offset               0.000 in

    [g59c] g59_c_offset               0.000 in

    X origin offset:     0.000 in

    Y origin offset:     0.000 in

    Z origin offset:     0.000 in

    A origin offset:     0.000 deg

    B origin offset:     0.000 deg

    C origin offset:     0.000 deg

    [1ma] m1_map_to_axis              0 [0=X, 1=Y…]

    [1sa] m1_step_angle               1.800 deg

    [1tr] m1_travel_per_revolution    1.358 in

    [1mi] m1_microsteps               8 [1,2,4,8]

    [1po] m1_polarity                 1 [0,1]

    [1pm] m1_power_management         1 [0,1]

    [2ma] m2_map_to_axis              1 [0=X, 1=Y…]

    [2sa] m2_step_angle               1.800 deg

    [2tr] m2_travel_per_revolution    1.358 in

    [2mi] m2_microsteps               8 [1,2,4,8]

    [2po] m2_polarity                 1 [0,1]

    [2pm] m2_power_management         1 [0,1]

    [3ma] m3_map_to_axis              2 [0=X, 1=Y…]

    [3sa] m3_step_angle               1.800 deg

    [3tr] m3_travel_per_revolution    0.049 in

    [3mi] m3_microsteps               8 [1,2,4,8]

    [3po] m3_polarity                 0 [0,1]

    [3pm] m3_power_management         1 [0,1]

    [4ma] m4_map_to_axis              3 [0=X, 1=Y…]

    [4sa] m4_step_angle               1.800 deg

    [4tr] m4_travel_per_revolution    0.049 in

    [4mi] m4_microsteps               8 [1,2,4,8]

    [4po] m4_polarity                 0 [0,1]

    [4pm] m4_power_management         0 [0,1]

    [xam] x_axis_mode                 1 [standard]

    [xvm] x_velocity_maximum        629.921 in/min

    [xfr] x_feedrate_maximum         23.622 in/min

    [xtm] x_travel_maximum            6.693 in

    [xjm] x_jerk_maximum      196850400 in/min^3

    [xjd] x_junction_deviation        0.0020 in (larger is faster)

    [xsm] x_switch_mode               1 [0,1,2,3,4]

    [xsv] x_search_velocity         -39.370 in/min

    [xlv] x_latch_velocity            3.937 in/min

    [xlb] x_latch_backoff             0.079 in

    [xzb] x_zero_backoff              0.039 in

    [yam] y_axis_mode                 1 [standard]

    [yvm] y_velocity_maximum        629.921 in/min

    [yfr] y_feedrate_maximum        629.921 in/min

    [ytm] y_travel_maximum            6.693 in

    [yjm] y_jerk_maximum      196850400 in/min^3

    [yjd] y_junction_deviation        0.0020 in (larger is faster)

    [ysm] y_switch_mode               1 [0,1,2,3,4]

    [ysv] y_search_velocity         -39.370 in/min

    [ylv] y_latch_velocity            3.937 in/min

    [ylb] y_latch_backoff             0.079 in

    [yzb] y_zero_backoff              0.039 in

    [zam] z_axis_mode                 1 [standard]

    [zvm] z_velocity_maximum         47.244 in/min

    [zfr] z_feedrate_maximum         47.244 in/min

    [ztm] z_travel_maximum            1.969 in

    [zjm] z_jerk_maximum        1968504 in/min^3

    [zjd] z_junction_deviation        0.0020 in (larger is faster)

    [zsm] z_switch_mode               1 [0,1,2,3,4]

    [zsv] z_search_velocity         -15.748 in/min

    [zlv] z_latch_velocity            3.937 in/min

    [zlb] z_latch_backoff             0.079 in

    [zzb] z_zero_backoff              0.039 in

    [aam] a_axis_mode                 0 [disabled]

    [avm] a_velocity_maximum       3600.000 deg/min

    [afr] a_feedrate_maximum       3600.000 deg/min

    [atm] a_travel_maximum           -1.000 deg

    [ajm] a_jerk_maximum       20000000 deg/min^3

    [ajd] a_junction_deviation        0.0500 deg

    [ara] a_radius_value              1.0000 deg

    [asm] a_switch_mode               1 [0,1,2,3,4]

    [asv] a_search_velocity        -600.000 deg/min

    [alv] a_latch_velocity          100.000 deg/min

    [alb] a_latch_backoff            -5.000 deg

    [azb] a_zero_backoff              2.000 deg

    [bam] b_axis_mode                 0 [disabled]

    [bvm] b_velocity_maximum       3600.000 deg/min

    [bfr] b_feedrate_maximum       3600.000 deg/min

    [btm] b_travel_maximum           -1.000 deg

    [bjm] b_jerk_maximum       20000000 deg/min^3

    [bjd] b_junction_deviation        0.0500 deg

    [bra] b_radius_value              1.0000 deg

    [bsm] b_switch_mode               1 [0,1,2,3,4]

    [bsv] b_search_velocity        -600.000 deg/min

    [blv] b_latch_velocity          100.000 deg/min

    [blb] b_latch_backoff            -5.000 deg

    [bzb] b_zero_backoff              2.000 deg

    [cam] c_axis_mode                 0 [disabled]

    [cvm] c_velocity_maximum       3600.000 deg/min

    [cfr] c_feedrate_maximum       3600.000 deg/min

    [ctm] c_travel_maximum           -1.000 deg

    [cjm] c_jerk_maximum       20000000 deg/min^3

    [cjd] c_junction_deviation        0.0500 deg

    [cra] c_radius_value              1.0000 deg

    [csm] c_switch_mode               1 [0,1,2,3,4]

    [csv] c_search_velocity        -600.000 deg/min

    [clv] c_latch_velocity          100.000 deg/min

    [clb] c_latch_backoff            -5.000 deg

    [czb] c_zero_backoff              2.000 deg


    An arc specification error is a problem in the Gcode itself (unless there’s a bug in TinyG I’m not aware of, which happens). Can you please post the Gcode you are trying to run and where it fails? If it’s possible to cut the fie down to just the section that fails – that still reproduces the error – that’s even better.





    Here is an example of gcode where it fails.  its the Shapeoko hello world file.  Interestingly I see two Arc Specification errors now, which I only saw one last night.  Also this is the normal spot it fails at but it has had instances where it failed at a different point, I just can’t replicate that now.  Thanks.

    tinyg[inch] ok> ( Made using CamBam – )

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> ( Untitled 2/13/2012 2:54:50 PM )

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> ( T0 : 0.0394 )

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G20 G90 G64 G40

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G0 Z0.125

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> ( T0 : 0.0394 )

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> T0 M6

    tin.yg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> ( Engrave1 )

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G17

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> M3 S1000

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G0 X-3.0 Y-0.0451

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G1 F10.0 Z-0.001

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G1 F60.0 X-2.8845 Y-0.035

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G3 X-2.8723 Y-0.0943 I0.3244 J0.0363

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G3 X-2.8467 Y-0.1492 I0.2072 J0.0631

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G3 X-2.805 Y-0.1917 I0.1471 J0.1027

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G3 X-2.7533 Y-0.2212 I0.1578 J0.2169

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G3 X-2.6114 Y-0.2483 I013664.006 J0.3Y J0.2022

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G3 X-2.40817 Y-0.0912 I-0. 24

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G3 X-2.4449 Y0.0175 I-.-0.2279

    Arc specification error: G3X-2.4449Y0.0175I-.-0.2279

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G3 X-2.572 Y0.0637 I-0.3019 2 J0.0003

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok.> G2 X-2.8088 Y0.5669 I0.204406 J-0.0223

    tinyg[inch] ok>

    tinyg[inch] ok> G3 X-2.4732 Y0.4457 I-0.

    Arc specification error: G3X-2.4732Y0.4457I-0.


    I tried that code on the tiny G and it seems to be working perfectly. I tried the file using both coolterm and Tgfx several times, no errors of any kind.


    It was a simple fix, I just didn’t have XON selected in coolterm.


    Ah. I like it when the problem is found easily. And is not TinyG (meaning I spend potentially hours tracking it down!)

    Seriously, please DO report and errors you see or even suspect.


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