Added some things to the wki

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    Hello, all.

    Maybe the biggest thing is a reformatted version 8 diagram. I made the graphic smaller, but enlarged and spaced out some elements for legibility. The fan voltage jumper description didn’t match other pages, so I updated it.

    I also added a photo of the v8 board, and gave the Connecting page a tech edit. I also fleshed out the new Initial Setup page to include the pages Alden added.

    Please let me know if I’m out-of-bounds.




    Just to make myself clear, I am no expert. I am setting up my own TinyG for the first time. When I can’t find something in the wiki, then I try to figure it out on my own and then add that info to the wiki. I figure my experience as a new user will only happen once, so I’m trying to document the path for the next new guy.

    (What is confusing me now is the codes I am typing into Coolterm. I don’t quite get the GRBL setup commands. That’s how new I am.)



    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by tomking505.


    I really appreciate the help on the wiki. RIley and I have be soloing this for a long time. Any help is welcome. I’ll still act as editor, if you don’t mind.

    The TinyG commands are on the configuration page.

    I’m not sure I understand the grbl references. grbl and TinyG are different projects. While some commands are similar, they are not going to be the same in many cases. It might be confusing to some people to mix them in the same wiki – for example including grbl references in the initial setup page. Just a thought.

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