6wire 2phase 5Volt Steppers With Tiny G

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  • #12008

    Need to see the parameter setup.

    In coolterm, create a $$ listing.
    Copy the listing and paste it to a cloud file (Gdrive, dropbox, etc.) and provide a link.

    Have you read thru the configuration wiki?

    don’t play with limit switches yet.
    I doubt your ribbon cable is cable is going to work.
    Limits very sensitive to noise, individual shielded pairs recommended


    Thx, ill run all new cables and 3d print a cable chain


    Looking at the wiki and actual config I think I see why I have a problem.

    1ma is set to 0 (which is X, what I want)
    2na is set to 1 (which is Y, what I want)
    3ma is set to 1 (which is Y, but I need be Z so it needs to be set to 2 for Z)

    I updated to the latest FW 440.20 0.97

    Are those the default motor mappings? Let me see if I ca. Remap Z


    I remapped the motors.
    Now onto the task of configuration of this unknown machine 🙂

    My lead screws are 8tpi, if 10 tpi = 0.100 per revolution then does 8tpi = 0.080 (2.032mm) per revolution?

    Also I like working in inches, so I set $GUN=0 (G20) and confirmed its what the board is set to, however it still shows 1tr m1 travel per revolution in mm not inches.

    Isn’t setting GUN=0 supposed to make everything else reflect in inches instead of mm?

    Sorry for a million questions, its been a very long time since I played with this stuff, and it’s coming back slowly.


    Nope, If 10 TPI –> 1/10 = 0.1 travel per rev (as you note)
    So 8TPI –> 1/8 = 0.125

    As you have found by now, ist usualy requires a rest of tinyG for the changed parameters to take effect


    After looking into the MM vs Inches it seems that MM is the way to go ans just do the conversions from IN to MM


    Ok, my Z axis has some strange type of lead screw that I can’t measure, however I did gather some numbers and hopefully we can figure out what the proper $3tr setting is supposed to be. By default 3tr is set at 40.mm gave a command for z to go 1” in mm (25.4), however it only traveled .142“ (3.6086 mm). Do I divide 25.4/3.6086 (7.04225mm) ill try this and see what happens) to determine what my $3tr setting is supposed to be? BTW I used a dial caliper to make the measurements,I need to go find my dial indicator to get a more accurate measurement, but I think i can get close like this.


    Follow up to my last post, NOPE, thats not it, lol
    OK Google here we go!


    Ok, ive tried several tines to set the parameters for this old machine, but its been a fail. My machine has no pulleys, belts, or gears. Mine is all lead-screws attached fo steppers and the nuts on the lead screws are attached to each rail. When I input the correct settings based on the TPI of the lead screws the stepper motors barely move. The default 40.00mm (i think) moves the rails, but not at rhe corrwct distaces per the commands given.

    What do I do here? Do I just keep putting in various numbers then send a command and measure with a dial indicator until I get the correct output based on code sent?

    There must be something I am missing here, a multiplier that is set wrong (pulley/belt setting).

    Is there anyone here willing to speak to me directly and help me get dialed in. Id be happy to pay for your time. I just want to get setup and start cutting a few parts

    Thanks, T


    Please watch this short video to see why I am pulling my hair out. Simply changing the $1tr value to 1/2 of a set value, the motor will not even rotate. Do I need new steppers? What am I doing wrong here.

    YouTube video of the problem


    I did not have access to the parameter set, you have likely already already seen the request from Google.

    The “default” assumed machine is a Shapeoko style belt machine, X-Y-Y(r)-Z.
    From what I can see, you likely have only three active leadscrews.
    A belt machine has typical $_tr values in the 30-40mm range, lead screws will be very different. When I can see all your parameters, we move on from there.


    8TPI lead screws should be set to $_tr=0.125 inch, not 0.25

    That would be 0.125 * 25.4 = 3.175 mm


    A couple parameter comments before you post an updated $$ dump

    You have $ex=1, Xon/Xoff. Have you correctly set the CoolTerm end?

    Get rid of limit switches for now, set $xsn = 0 and $ysn=0 and $zsm =0.
    You have a lot of wiring work to do for the limits – stepper noise can cause false shutdowns.

    You can get a roughly right $3tr by measuring the distance between 10(not 19 !) thread grooves in that lead screw(in mm) then set $3tr =[measurement]/10

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by cmcgrath5035. Reason: Correct error

    Ill go through the settings you stated, Do a new $$ dump directly when I get home. Thx again,

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